It’s been a month of seemingly baby steps. Flooring was ordered and while we waited for that, the walls and doors were painted.
Once the flooring arrived, the installers prepped the floors and laid the new commercial-grade vinyl plank. However, there were issues with the adhesive that had to be remedied, so they returned to tear out and reinstall several areas. Thankfully, we had 3+ extra boxes of flooring to use for that re-installation. Since they used up all the extra for the repairs, I’ve requested that they replace them with more of the same LOT# in case of needed repairs in the future. This is an important lesson when you’re doing flooring of any kind. Flooring of any kind can be slightly different with each LOT# so even if you order the same color of tile, wood, carpet, etc. in the future unless it’s the same LOT# it could be slightly different.
Here are some photos of the finished shell, which is now ready for installation of mirrors, decor, furnishings, lighting, and equipment. Delivery of the equipment is anticipated around mid-April. In the meantime, I had some of the wall receptacles removed where the mirror and equipment will be mounted, and signage is in the works, along with orders for furnishings, window treatments, and other decor.
Next, will be adding frosting and decals to the glass walls between the private studios and the main studio. Some furnishings have begun to arrive and others are being ordered, along with decorative elements, lighting, and other decor. The goal is to have all the decorative elements and furnishings installed so that when the equipment arrives we can focus on that installation, along with moving everything from the downstairs studio to the new upstairs spaces.
Here’s hoping that by next month’s update, I’ll be able to show you photos of the completed project!
Here are a couple of photos of the finished shell, one taken in the main studio and the other from one of the private studios. These were taken prior to replacement of all the wall plates to white: