Welcome to the month of the Geng Zi (Yang Metal Rat) 庚子! According to the Chinese Solar Calendar, the Rat month of the current Ox year is from 7 Dec 2021 to 5 Jan 2022. Since the Rat is indicative of high activity, generosity, ingenuity, and success, we see a lot of these energetic characteristics through the Gregorian New Year.
The Rat month signals the culmination of the Winter season and the element of Rat/Winter is Ren/Yang Water 壬. The Yang Metal will emphasize that water energy. An excess of water can signal health issues of the ears, blood, and kidneys. With flu season upon us, careful about protecting your immune system and overall health.
December Flying Stars Chart
The Feng Shui Flying Stars this month reveal that the month is ruled by the 4 Relationship Star (wood element). Combined with the Annual 6 Metal, there is potential for relationship issues, loneliness, and broken hearts. It isn’t uncommon around the holidays for emotions to run high, so be mindful of how you interact with others. This is a stressful time for many, so be gentle and patient. Kindness costs nothing and is the greatest gift you can give to others.
The other aspect of the 6-4 combination is that it forms what’s known as a Combination of 10 or Sum of Ten, which is auspicious in its own right. It can bring harmony and is a sign of completion and new beginnings.
Two areas of concern are the East and Northwest. The 2 Black Illness Star in the East and the 5 Yellow Disaster Star in the Northwest. The 2 Star combines with the untimely 4 Star, which creates tension and is particularly unfavorable for females. The 5 Disaster Star combines with the 7 Violence Star in the Northwest, which has potential for arguments, mishaps, and emotional disorders. Take the edge off of these two areas by moving your 12 coins to these areas (6 to each zone). It’s also advisable to limit the time you spend in these areas. Keep in mind that this monthly adjustment does not conflict with your annual adjustments.
The areas where you want to spend time this month are the South (Reputation/Authority) and the West (Career). If your main entry is in one of these zones, the qi entering your home will be particularly favorable for Reputation or Career.
BaZi / Four Pillars of Destiny Chart
BaZi for the month of the Yang Metal Rat: The Rat month combines with the Ox year to help put a damper on unfavorable energy. Whew! We need some good news with everything else that’s going on in the world! Combines mitigate clashes, so for those of you who may be in Clash this month, there’s native energy to help smooth out hardships. Yay!
Nobleman: If you were born in the year ending with a 5 or 9, or you have Yin Wood or Yin Earth in your BaZi chart, this is your Nobleman Month. This means that you will have helpful people available to you when you need them. The caveat is that you must be willing to look for them or reach out. They won’t likely just come knocking on your door without some effort on your part.
Peach Blossom: This is a good relationship month for you if you have Pig, Rabbit, or Goat/Sheep in your chart. Take advantage of this to prop up current relationships or seek new ones.
Clash: This month can be transitional for you if you have Horse in your chart, have Yang Wood in your chart, or were born in a year ending with 4. Remember that obstacles are lessons that lead to revelations and often new beginnings.
If you’re interested in scheduling a Feng Shui Audit or Bazi Reading, or if you have any questions, you may contact me HERE.