Helen Keating Consulting

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Six Coin Metal Adjustment

You’ve probably seen Chinese coins strung together with a red ribbon either online or in Asian shops. Most often they are labeled as a “wealth” or “prosperity” luck talisman. I’ve seen them with three, six, and 8 coins bundled together. But the 6-coin strand actually has an ancient Feng Shui purpose, which has nothing to do with wealth or prosperity. It’s important to note that this metal adjustment is a “minor” metal, only used to adjust the monthly Xuan Kong energy.

Six coins are an ancient Feng Shui monthly remedy for unfavorable earth. In Flying Stars (Xuan Kong) Feng Shui we use numbers to identify “stars.” These numbers have nothing to do with numerology but are merely a shorthand for identifying specific energy. In this case, the number six is identified with Yang Metal…the most vibrant expression of metal (the number 7 is associated with Yin Metal).

Metal energy is expressed through all metallic materials, curved shapes such as an oval, circle, semi-circle, etc., and the color white. In this case, the coin is round. So the expression of metal in a metallic coin is in both the actual material and the shape. We often use 6-tube metal wind chimes outdoors to mitigate unfavorable earth energies being stirred up outside the house from gardening and construction projects.

The 6 Coin Remedy is used only for a monthly adjustment to mitigate the 2 Black Star of Illness., which is an inauspicious earth element. In the Early Heaven Trigram, the 6 Trigram (Chien) is illustrated as the highest expression of masculine energy (heaven), and the 2 Trigram (Kun) is the highest expression of feminine energy (earth). The combination of the two literally results in neutral energy. But the 6 metal will also neutralize the 5 Yellow Star, another unfavorable earth star.

The standard remedy for unfavorable earth Stars…5 Yellow and 2 Black…is always metal, according to the Theory of the Five Phases: metal reduces earth since it is the child of earth. For annual metal cures the preference is for moving metal or significant or “heavy” metal objects that blend into the room’s decor. But using six coins under/behind a piece of furniture is an easy solution for monthly cures, which move around every 30-ish days.

You can either purchase one of these 6-coin talismans or simply put 6 coins in a little pouch or bowl. The denomination or origin of the coins is of no consequence, as long as they are made of metal and are round, without corners.

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