Helen Keating Consulting

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Interior Bright Hall

“Bright Hall” (Photo credit: Pella)

The interior Bright Hall is where the energy from the exterior Bright Hall (Ming Tong) enters through the Mouth of Ch’i (front door) and collects to circulate throughout your home or business.

Just as you want the energy that enters your home to be full of potential, once inside the door you want the collection point to support a life force that will circulate throughout your home or business. Here are some ways to improve the Feng Shui of your interior Bright Hall:

  • Remove all excess furniture, decor, and other items from this space. If you need storage solutions for things like backpacks, keys, shoes, etc., find storage solutions that will contain these items. Even better, designate a nearby closet.

  • Natural light is an important source of energy. If the Bright Hall is lacking natural light and there are no windows near the area, you can install a screen door or storm door and leave the interior door open as much as possible to let light into the space.

  • Keep it tidy. This should never be a dumping place. If this point of entry is not used because people come and go through a garage or other entry, it should still be kept clean and tidy.

  • Don’t place large plants in the entry. Smaller plants are fine, but don’t overdo it. Moderation in everything…and less is always more.

  • Use this door at least once a day so the energy doesn’t stagnate. Often, the garage is the main point of entry, which is fine, but keep the energy at the Mouth of Ch’i moving by opening the door.

  • If you are using the garage or other door as the main point of entry, make sure you are creating a pleasing flow of energy there as well, using all the methods mentioned above.

  • If you have an open space plan with no defined foyer, avoid blocking the flow of energy with furnishings, decor, and plants.

Please feel free to leave comments and if you have any questions or want to book a consultation worldwide, you may either email me (HelenKstyles@gmail.com), or submit an inquiry via the Contact form on this website.