Ch'i: Life Force Energy
The Three Qi's and their energetic interaction is a foundational principle of Feng Shui. These three energies are known as Cosmic Qi, Earth Qi, and People Qi. There is nothing mystical about this principle. It is basic science that has withstood the test of thousands of years of recorded observation.
Cosmic Qi: The electromagnetic energy of the sun and planets affect the natural rhythm of living entities and energizes the earth's core.
Earth Qi: Once energized by the electromagnetic energy of the cosmos, the earth's geomagnetic response pushes energy up from its core to the earth's surface. This energy is used to nourish life on the planet. When the foundation of a building is dug into the surface of the earth, it absorbs earth energy and that energy is captured in the building when the roof is placed. This produces an energetic "natal chart" for the building, just as living beings capture a specific energy upon our entry into the world.
People Qi: Living beings are affected by both the Cosmic and Earth Qi. People also have an effect on Cosmic Qi by the by-products or emissions that result from our lifestyle. Obviously, we also interact and affect the Earth Qi as we live and evolve over time.
Centuries ago the ancients became aware of these facts and recognized that as we moved indoors, our natural balance with nature became compromised. Through thousands of years of observation and recording, they formulated a set of criteria to calculate the energetic nature of a building based on time and orientation (Cosmos & Earth Qi). Through their observations and calculations, they established a set of formula to help re-balance buildings through the use of 5 natural elements. The Book of Changes (I Ching) eventually became the canon from which the Chinese healing arts theories were derived. It was an actuarial based on what later became known in the scientific world as quantum theory. The art and science of Feng Shui, as with all the Chinese healing arts, is based in the science that everything is energy...that we are energetic beings living in a field of energy, all of which is connected.
If you want a personalized consultation, either distance or on-site, contact me for more information and to book your appointment.